Friday, September 3, 2010

Important Vocabulary words

Ambient light: The existing lighting conditions under which a photo is taken, without enhancement from a camera flash; the natural light in a scene.
Burning: The selective darkening of a part of an image.
CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black - The four colors in the inksets of many photo-quality printers. 
DPI: Dots per inch: A measurement of the resolution of a digital photo or digital device, including digital cameras and printers. The higher the number, the greater the resolution.

Inside a Camera

Aperture: Also called aperture stop . Optics . an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument.
Shutter:  A small, circular opening inside the lens that can change in diameter to control the amount of light reaching the camera's sensor as a picture is taken.
Exposure: A measure of the amount of light in which a photo was taken.
Depth of field: the range of distances along the axis of an optical instrument, usually a camera lens, through which an object will produce a relatively distinct image.
F-stop: the setting of an adjustable lens aperture, as indicated by an f number.
Focal length: the distance between an object lens and its corresponding focal plane in a telescope.

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