Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pinhole finale

    -It went from black to white
   -You can see the toy in the middle of the positive picture more than on the negative one
   -Theres a black dot on the left side of the negative picture and its doesn't show on the positive picture
My negative picture turned from white to black and it flipped.
Negative: noting an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightest areas are shown as the darkest.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Important Vocabulary words

Ambient light: The existing lighting conditions under which a photo is taken, without enhancement from a camera flash; the natural light in a scene.
Burning: The selective darkening of a part of an image.
CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black - The four colors in the inksets of many photo-quality printers. 
DPI: Dots per inch: A measurement of the resolution of a digital photo or digital device, including digital cameras and printers. The higher the number, the greater the resolution.

Inside a Camera

Aperture: Also called aperture stop . Optics . an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument.
Shutter:  A small, circular opening inside the lens that can change in diameter to control the amount of light reaching the camera's sensor as a picture is taken.
Exposure: A measure of the amount of light in which a photo was taken.
Depth of field: the range of distances along the axis of an optical instrument, usually a camera lens, through which an object will produce a relatively distinct image.
F-stop: the setting of an adjustable lens aperture, as indicated by an f number.
Focal length: the distance between an object lens and its corresponding focal plane in a telescope.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I like this picture very much because It shows a dog and it seems to be a small child's foot. I like how the background shows some plants an a couple of clouds spread around. You see the shadows of the dogs foot and a small yellow spot of light by the child's foot. There's absolutely no blur in this picture and i took it makes it look really good. I wouldn't say the picture is warped just maybe the flood looks a bit bent, but in all i really like this photograph.
 I don't like this picture at all. The lighting is bad and there's a blur at the bottom and i just don't like. It's a roll of toilet paper that just doesn't catch my attention. It's not warped and maybe if it was bent in some way it would give it a better look but just like this is no good for me.