Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Action Comics No. 1"

Identify the 5 W's and H in the articles.
Identify the lead.
Re-write the lead using your own words.

-Who: Stephen Fishler, owner of Comic Connect
-What: Talks about "Action Comics No. 1" and how expensive it is

-Where: U.S
-When: Friday
-Why: The book is a "classical comic" and people are willing to pay high prices for it
-How: It had been stored away for a long time and is in good conditions

 Lead: "(CNN) -- After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday. Starting Friday, comic book collectors and Superman fans will have the opportunity to bid on a comic classic -- an "unrestored" copy of Action Comics No. 1, said Stephen Fishler, owner of Comic Connect, an online liaison between comic book buyers and sellers. The book's owner is not being identified."

Re-write: Copy of an "Action Comics No. 1" has been stored away for years and is now out for bidding, experts say it is worth around $400,000 on Thursday to CNN. Comic book collectors and superman fans will be able to bid for it starting Friday, said Owner of Comic Connect."

Rosenbergs' sons:

Identify the 5 W's and H in the articles.
Identify the lead.
Re-write the lead using your own words.

-Who: Rosenbergs brother, Robert and Michael. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
-What: Talks about the case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and how they were accused also how the brothers confessed.
-Where: Russia
-When: Late 19 hundredths
-Why: The brothers stud up for their parents and how they were not traders
-How: They started off by taking back their identities as sons of Julius Rosenberg, then as they got older they became more famous and kept the case going about their parents.

Lead: "They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Then they were whisked from an unwanted limelight to urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity." -Sam Roberts, New York Times

Re-write: At the age of 6 and 10 the Rosenberg brothers were the most famous orphans of the cold war. Their parents were executed for supposedly giving atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. The brothers, Robert and Michael Rosenberg, were at first known of alot, then got put to urban anonymity then finally to suburban obscurity.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Touching People

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay? It was a interesting experience for the photographer and me to listen and learn about his experience.
2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger? I would go along with it
3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
get people to pose in a funny way in a strange place or have an outfit that has nothing to do with where you are.
4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take?
I think he didn't really think of the rules and just went about taking pictures but in that some of the rules appeared.

Captions rules:

Jimmy is with his goat Dexter down at the barn because he is having a blast dancing around with him and singing Friday Friday since it is Friday.
The people who were around him thought he was a kid on drugs and decided to run away.

The rules of composition found in this picture are does of  lines leading up to the boy and balance with the guy and the goat also depth. 

Monday, April 11, 2011



Africa black and white

1. On your blog post your reactions to the power point:
I think it was very beautiful and shock on how close up the photographer was to
the animals because it can be dangerous.
2. What was your favorite photo? Describe it and tell me why its your favorite
My favorite picture is the one of the giraffe standing next to a tree. I really like this picture because of the way
that the tree looks and the way that everything looks very calm. I also like the color of the surroundings and the color of the tree.
3. Look up the photographer –
a.     What kind of camera did he use? Pentex67 2 with only two fixed lenses
b.     What is his reason for taking the photos? 
         a trilogy of books to memorialize the vanishing natural grandeur of East Africa
c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog 
"You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."

4. Find one of his photos that you really like and post it on your blog.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Student of the month interview with Angelita Tapia

1. How do you feel about being student of the month?
Feel proud of myself
2. Did you feel like you achieved something great and if yes why?
Yes, because it's something I've never got
3. Is this something you had wanted for a long time or was it just something
that happened recently?

Not something expected
4. Is there things you feel like helped you achieve this?

My hard work
5. Do you think your friends feel jealousy towards you?

Hope not.
6. What do you think is the best things about being student of the month?

Students looking up to me and getting respected
7. Who is your favorite teacher?

Coach Liburd
8. Did this higher you in the popularity?

Yes, a bit
9. Do you ever feel like a nerd for being chosen to student of the month?

No, i went 100% out and achieved
10. What did your parents say of this?

They were very proud of me and my achievement
11. Did you get any kind of award for it?

Got money from parents and more freedom
12. What would be the worst part of being student of the month?

Feel pressured, not fall back
13. Do you feel like you are better than others?

No anyone can get to be student of the month
14. Do you think you deserved this and why?

Yes, because of my hardwork
15. Do you party often and if not what do you do on free time? 

16. Do you like to read why or why not?

Don't dislike it or do it often but its okay
17. Have you ever been a trouble maker or what is the most you've been in trouble?

Never been in trouble
18. Who is your favorite teacher?

Yes, something i wanted them to be proud of
19. Do you like to rub in your friends faces that you're student of the month?

No, i would feel very rude
20. Tell me anything you would like to add to this?

Nothing just to keep your goals and try hard.

Topic: School Uniforms

Three sources to interview:
1. Whats your main thought about uniforms?
2. Do you think its necessary for school to have uniforms?
3. What would be the best way to say no to uniforms?
4. Have you ever been in a school where you had to use a uniform?
5. How do you think this is going to affect schools and the way students are?
6. Do you think kids will rebel against using uniforms?
7. Why do you think is the reason that school boards decided to enforce uniforms?
8. Would you like for your children in the future or if you have children to wear uniforms?
9. Do you think this would be better because you don't have to spend so much money on clothes just the school uniform?
10. What colors would you prefer the uniforms to be?
11. Do you think uniforms would make school look more like a learning environment?
12. How many schools do you know of that have to use uniform?
13. Uniforms will put kids in the right path on how to dress. Do you believe that is true?
14. Do you think it will be harder to catch kids when they get in fights in school because they will
all be wearing the same clothes?
15. Would you feel liked your freedom is being taken away by being told what to wear every day you go to school?
16. Do you think its a bad idea for all schools to have their students wear uniforms?
17. Would style still matter if everyone was dressed the same?
18. Would kids still separate each other in different clicks even if they all dress the same and look the
same in their clothes?
19. Whats the best way to talk to the school boards for them to cancel their thought of bringing
uniforms to all our schools?
20. Is there anything you would like to add to our conversation?