Monday, December 13, 2010

final review-not done ://

1. Explain how to get to the server drives and your folder:
double click on the servers drive, click on my computer, jstudent(T:), photojournalism, your class period, find name.

2. Explain how we use in this class:
We put up thing we like and out ideas for others to read

3. Explain the process of creating a pinhole camera:
Things you need:
oatmeal container, construction paper, black tape, scissors, a sewing pin, a blade, glue, and foil

The inside of the oatmeal box should be completely dark so you will have to cover it with construction paper and black tape. The mouth of the cap should also be covered so no light comes in. Then in the middle of the top and the bottom make a small cut in shape of a box with the blade and put foil in the inside of it to cover it up. Make a hole with the sewing pin and cover it with a flap of tape so no light comes in. make sure that it is covered good and doesn't open or light will come in and ruin the picture.

4. Explain how the pinhole camera works and how the image is transferred to the paper inside:
When you open the flap the light is being captured through the hole and into the picture sheet and depending of how long you leave the flap open your picture will come out very dark or very light.

5. Know how to define and explain the 10 rules of composition, these 10 rules will be a MAJOR portion of the final and you better know how to recognize these rules, explain these rules and show me you understand them:
5a.  Rule of thirds:
5b. Balancing Elements
5c. Leading Lines
5d. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)
5e. Viewpoint
5f. Background/simplicity
5g. Create depth
5h. Framing
5i. Cropping
5j. Mergers and avoiding them
6. Explain how action and emotion impact a photograph
7. Explain how a photo can "tell a story"

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yearbook: Publishes the Aerie which is worked on throughout the year and publishes sometime in May each year. The book is about 200 pages long and students in the class are responsible for the creation of two-page spreads. You will learn more about these "spreads" next semester where we will create some together. Students are responsible for all the content on their spread, including taking pictures, writing captions, headlines and some years writing a short story. There is typically a little room for creativity with a portion of the spread, but most of the lay-out and design is done ahead of time by a group of editors selected towards the end of the school year. Much of that work is done during the summer or very early in the school year by a dedicated group of editors. Most of these people are picked in advance and have been in the program for multiple years. It is possible that next year, yearbook I students will be in their own class and will work on the book at a slightly slower pace, while yearbook II and internship/independent study students will be in their own class working on more of the book. The book covers all areas of the school but because of the publication date, its more of a summary of the year. The yearbook class is taught by Mr. Doerr.

I would like to be in yearbook next year if i could, even though i know i won't because i am in a different academy and yearbook isn't one of their electives I think that it would be a very fun and good experience and i would love to have the opportunity to take pictures of people and things going on during the year for other people to see and enjoy. Newspaper sounds interesting but i want a hands on experience taking pictures more than writing about the things.

Second: I would like you to go to the following websites and look at various publications from around the United States. Pick one yearbook spread that you think is cool looking and link it on your blog and pick one on-line newspaper that you think looks cool and link it on your blog.

Yearbook Spread:

Newspaper websites:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks(not done)

1. I would like to go to Takakanonuma Greenland in Hobara, Japan it looks like a very good place to take some good photographs of old things. I think that i like that it's an older park and its in the middle of many trees. The way that the front pictures look makes me think that pictures would come out good from many angles from far away. Also the roller coasters are very rusty and give it an antiqueish look.

-Old caves
-"Haunted houses"
-Ruins of Pompeii


5. I thought this place looked very beautiful and its a place i would like to explore and take pictures of. The looks of the mountains in the back ground and the way that the floor looks with all the grass covering the rocks is very amazing looking and i think that is something that caught my eye. The way that the old walls are falling and the grass growing over and around them, also how inside every thing looks very clean and dry when the outside looks so alive.

6. Tell me what it would take for you to go and take photos at your location. What would you need as far as equipment goes, travel plans, expenses you might encounter and what laws you would have to take into consideration to take photos at your spot.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Portraits and self-portraits - start looking

A good photo has to be something i understand. The colors don't have to be a specific just for the tone to go along with the mood of the picture, like if you have a sad girl you would use dark colors and not bright yellow or pink. Also the background is always something that catches my attention in pictures, if i don't like the back ground then most likely i won't like the picture. So to me a good picture will be one with many things going on like the first picture on here or something very calm like the second picture i have.
I'm going to take portraits of someone else for my 12 frames. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My first print

1.) Is anything in sharp focus?

Not really.
a.) Describe what is in focus and what is not.

Mostly everything is in focus, just the edge of the counter
b.) If not in focus, state the cause.
The edge of the counter is off focus because you can't really tell its there because the light is too dark.
2.) Is there good contrast? (Look for the blacks and whites in the photo)?

The contrast isn't the best because the color black and white aren't showing quite well, it's more of a gray color for both.

3.) Are all the rules followed? (Is the photo candid? Does the subject fill the frame? Does the photo contain action? Does it follow composition rules? Does it show "academics"?)
a.) If yes, explain what techniques were used and how you followed them in your photo.
b.) If no, how will you correct this next time?

Not all the rules are followed on this picture but i have rule of thirds and lines that focus on the boy who is the main focus.
4.) Is there yellowing or are there spots on the print?

a.) If yes, what caused it/them?

5.) Are there print rings or spots?
a.) If yes, state the probable cause.

6.) Are your negatives, contact sheet, test strip and print stored in your folder? yes

Who is in the photo? (For this assignment only, if you don't know, you may make up a name. For the next photo shoot, your subject MUST have the correct name.)
Luke smith
What are they doing?
He is filling in a container with water for his project.
Where are they?
In a class room
When is this happening?
This is occurring during 8th period
Why are they doing this?
For a science project
Let's write a caption:

In this picture student Luke Smith is filling up a tray with water for his science project in his 8th period class. In the back you can see a poster and a cabinet on top of his head, Back of him is a table and has some papers on it, It's most likely the things he need for the project he will be working on. 

Photo Manipulation and ethics

1. There are many photographers that use Adobe photoshop and similar programs to change photos and make them more interesting to the public. In many places these things are used very much like in the Middle East, they manipulate their photos and in the U.S. many photographers are being fired because of the way that they change their pictures.
2. I believe that photo editing is unethical because it is wrong to change the nature of something to make it look better and interesting.

A. I think this picture is the most unethical because Bill Clinton and Fidel Castro were photoshoped to be greeting each other as if they were taken a picture of, when really there were no photographers around.

B. For some reason it won't let me post up the photo but i think that the least unethical is the one with Newsweek gives Mama McCaughey a tooth job because that isn't too much of importance and it actually fixes her to look better in public.